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Naturalistic Paths2018-08-22T15:12:49+00:00


Val di Cecina preserves the testimonies of millennia of human presence and activity, in a singular landscape context. The ancient settlements, still clearly identifiable, punctuate the landscape with the fortifications and the ancient “Castrum”, on the highest elevations, the villages, the parishes and the rural dwellings. Within this context there is a dense network of paths and ancient tracks that allow you to discover uncontaminated areas of particular charm, with a scenario that changes continuously, giving the perception of the natural rhythm, on a human scale, pervading an area almost intact.

The Reserves of Berignone-Tatti, of Monterufoli-Caselli and of Montenero are part of the system of the Natural Reserves of the Alta Val di Cecina.

The morphology of the places is very animated with the alternation of rocky outcrops, areas of erosion, deep valleys, water courses. Large expanses of evergreen and deciduous woods cover almost uninterruptedly the Reserve which, in addition to its flora and vegetation, is also extremely interesting due to the great biodiversity of fauna in which the birds of prey and the presence of the Wolf stand out, and for the numerous associated mineralizations to the ophiolitic outcrops (copper, sulfur, chalcedony, magnesite, lignite, etc.) which have given rise to intense extractive activities in the past, of which today there are fascinating testimonies.

The morphology of the places is very animated with the alternation of rocky outcrops, areas of erosion, deep valleys, water courses. Large expanses of evergreen and deciduous woods cover almost uninterruptedly the Reserve which, in addition to its flora and vegetation, is also extremely interesting due to the great biodiversity of fauna in which the birds of prey and the presence of the Wolf stand out, and for the numerous associated mineralizations to the ophiolitic outcrops (copper, sulfur, chalcedony, magnesite, lignite, etc.) which have given rise to intense extractive activities in the past, of which today there are fascinating testimonies.

The fruition system is well articulated with hiking trails and educational trails that allow you to reach and visit magical places and unique landscapes such as the Masso delle Fanciulle, along the middle course of the River Cecina, or as the Rocca Sillana and the Castello de ‘Vescovi, Medieval strongholds rich in history, which can be reached after a nice path between rough rocks and rolling hills.

Also of great interest is the eighteenth-century Villa di Monterufoli, soon home to a center for Environmental Education and the seventeenth-century Fattoria di Caselli, which is also under renovation to host tourist and educational activities.


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Agriturismo Il Catrino

Exit at the toll-gate of Rosignano Marittimo A12 Motorway and follow the directions towards Cecina on the main road called “Variante Aurelia”. Take the exit “Cecina Nord” and then follow the directions to Volterra (SRT 68). Before the village of Ponteginori, turn left. You have arrived!

Follow the directions towards Cecina and drive on the main road “SRT 68” for about 20 Km. After the village of Ponteginori (km 20), turn right. You have arrived!