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Agriturismo Il Catrino

Agriturismo Il Catrino is a family run working farm set amidst the hilly landscape of Etruscan Tuscany.


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The farm breeds cattle and farm animals and cultivates cereals, fodder and a small vineyard.

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The farm has two farmhouses a kilometre apart: “Podere il Catrino” and “Podere S. Angelo”

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2018 Offers and Prices for your unforgettable holiday in Tuscany. /p>

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Come Visit Us !

The farm provides panoramic views, shaded tables to eat out during the day and in the evening, a swimming pool and solarium, a children’s playground and barbecue area.

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Our Services

Inside Il Catrino

Customers at Il Catrino, upon request, can have breakfast at every morning while enjoying local fresh and delicious products. And during the whole week, on request, will be served in our beautiful tavern, very good dinners with Tuscan specialties.

I clienti dell’Agriturismo Il Catrino, su richiesta, potranno fare colazione presso la struttura gustando ogni mattina dei prodotti locali sempre freschi e buonissimi. E durante la settimana, sempre su richiesta, nella nostra bellissima taverna verranno servite cene a base di specialità toscane all’insegna della filiera corta.

Inside Il Catrino

Customers at Il Catrino, upon request, can have breakfast at every morning while enjoying local fresh and delicious products. And during the whole week, on request, will be served in our beautiful tavern, very good dinners with Tuscan specialties.

I clienti dell’Agriturismo Il Catrino, su richiesta, potranno fare colazione presso la struttura gustando ogni mattina dei prodotti locali sempre freschi e buonissimi. E durante la settimana, sempre su richiesta, nella nostra bellissima taverna verranno servite cene a base di specialità toscane all’insegna della filiera corta.

In the Surrounding Areas

t is possible to make excursions to the nearby Cecina river and the lush woods of the Nature Reserves of the Cecina Valley.

During the summer you can enjoy an evening at one of the numerous events or village fairs with music, games and excellent Tuscan food and wine which take place throughout the Cecina Valley.

In the Surrounding Areas

t is possible to make excursions to the nearby Cecina river and the lush woods of the Nature Reserves of the Cecina Valley.

During the summer you can enjoy an evening at one of the numerous events or village fairs with music, games and excellent Tuscan food and wine which take place throughout the Cecina Valley.


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Agriturismo Il Catrino

Lasciando la A12 al casello di Rosignano Marittimo, proseguire in direzione di “Cecina” sulla superstrada “Variante Aurelia”. Prendere l’uscita “Cecina Nord” e poi seguire le indicazioni per Volterra (SRT 68). Arrivati al km 20 della SRT 68, poco prima di Ponteginori, girare a sinistra e troverete l’Agriturismo Il Catrino.

Seguire le indicazioni per Cecina percorrendo la SRT 68. Oltrepassate il paese di Ponteginori e al km 20 esatto svoltare a destra e troverete l’Agriturismo Il Catrino.